Budget and Finance

Meets Second Monday of every month at 7 pm.



AB 361 Updates: Public comment cannot be required to be submitted in advance of the meeting, only real-time public comment is required. If there are any broadcasting interruptions that prevent the public from observing or hearing the meeting, the meeting must be recessed or adjourned. If members of the public are unable to provide public comment or be heard due to issues within the Neighborhood Council’s control, the meeting must be recessed or adjourned.


Every person wishing to address the Board must dial (669) 900-9128, and enter the meeting code listed above, and then press # to join the meeting. When prompted by the presiding officer, to provide public input at the Neighborhood Council meeting the public will be requested to dial *9 or use the Raise Hand option, to address the Board on any agenda item before the Board takes an action on an item. Comments from the public on agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. There is no password for the meeting.

Neighborhood Purpose Grant Information page (including forms)

  • Standing members: Treasurer (chair), Vice President for Administration, Vice President for Communications and Outreach.

  • Reviews and investigates grant requests received from other committees for legal and technical feasibility before submitting to the General Board for a final vote.

  • Assists the Treasurer with bookkeeping and other finance-related tasks.

Guidelines to Request Funding

Neighborhood councils can make a grant of their public funds to a nonprofit corporation (excluding religious institutions) organized under 26 United States Code (U.S.C). section 501 (c)(3) or to a public school, as authorized by Los Angeles Administrative Code sections 22.801 (p) and 22.817. All  groups requesting funding from the neighborhood council will need to complete the following steps.

  1. Make a request in writing. The applicant must complete and submit a Funding Request Form with any related documentation.

    1. Additional documentation should include flyers (if an event), a projected budget and/or invoice and the names of other contributors (if any) and the amounts being contributed.

    2. For large expenditures, competitive bids may be required.

    3. It is recommended that an applicant email the completed form to the Treasurer at least one week before the meeting to allow ample time for the item to be added to the agenda.

    4. Applicants may be required to provide additional documentation including a tax id number, business tax registration certificate and/or proof of non-profit status.

  2. Make a presentation to the Budget and Finance Committee (B&F). The committee normally meets the 1st Monday of the month at the FTDNC headquarters.

    1. The presenter should be ready to make a brief presentation to the committee normally 5 to 10 minutes in length.

    2. The committee will review the materials and may ask additional questions.

    3. The committee will discuss the item and decide on possible recommendations. The item may be:

      1. Sent to the General Board for approval.

      2. Sent to the General Board for approval with conditions or amendments.

      3. Held over to a future committee meeting pending further information.

      4. Held over to a future committee meeting to allow for input from a related committee (outreach, land use, equestrian, etc.).

      5. Held over to a future committee meeting to allow time for the presenter to seek additional funding from other neighborhood councils.

      6. Rejected due to its lack of benefit to the NC.

    4. Items lacking a presenter will be tabled until one becomes available.

    5. NC board members can present on behalf of another organization at a committee meeting, but are strongly urged to abstain from any voting if they are members of that organization.

    6. If approved, a request will be made by the Treasurer (or designate) at the Executive Board meeting that the item be placed on the General Board meeting agenda.

    7. The NC President will decide where on the agenda the request will be place and may designate the presenter at the Executive Board meeting.

  3. If recommended, the item will be discussed the General Board meeting. The item may be:

    1. Discussed and approved as presented.

    2. Discussed and approved with amendments or modification.

    3. Tabled pending further discussion at the committee level.

    4. Rejected due to its lack of benefit to the stakeholders.

    Board members can present on behalf of another organization at a General Meeting, but are strongly urged to abstain from any voting if they are members of that organization. They are also urged to disclose their relation to the organization either at the beginning of the General Meeting or at the beginning of the item’s discussion.
    If officers for the presenting organization or members of the event/project organizing committee, board members are strongly urged to recuse themselves from any discussion or vote.

  4. If approved, the General Board, with the recommendations of the Treasurer, will also decide:

    1. From which line item the expense will be paid.

    2. The method of payment.

    3. The length of expenditure authorization.

  5. Requirements for Processing a Grant. Any grant approved by the NC requires the adoption of a board resolution that contains, in substance, the following details:

    (a) The precise legal name of the recipient or grantee.

    (b) The dollar amount of the grant.

    (c) A description of the public purpose served by the grant.

  6. Administrative Processing of a Grant

    After the NC has approved funding  for  a grant by approving  a board resolution, a member of the Governing Body (Treasurer or designee) shall submit the following to DONE’s administrative office within 45 days:

    1. A completed and signed board resolution adopted by the Governing Board.

    2. A Neighborhood Purposes Grant Program Application, as prescribed by DONE, which contains the information set forth in Section 5 (a)-(c), above.

    3. Any additional information requested by DONE for it to evaluate the terms and legality of the proposed grant and a written grant agreement pursuant to the City’s contracting procedures.

    4. As part of the approval process, DONE will determine:

      1. Whether the proposed award or grant is being made to a nonprofit organization (excluding religious institutions) organized under 26 U.S.C section 501 (c)(3), or to a public school.

      2. Whether the proposed grant is for an identifiable public purpose, is consistent with the allowable expenditures under the Neighborhood Council Funding Program, and comports with all laws.

      • A decision by DONE to approve or deny a Certified Neighborhood Council’s proposed grant is final.

      • DONE shall keep a record of all grants and, on behalf of the Certified Neighborhood Councils, prepare written contracts for all grants exceeding five thousand dollars ($5,000)

      • The Commission shall approve all proposed grant contracts that exceed ($20,000) twenty-thousand dollars.

      • Each grant application approved by DONE shall be treated as a separate neighborhood purposes grant.

      • DONE shall ensure that the grant application process is transparent and that the identity of each grantee is retained and posted on the DONE website.

      Once approved, the Treasurer will make payment arrangements.

      1. Once the payment is made, the payee will provide signed receipts and any related documentation (flyers, photos or other information documenting the event, if applicable) as needed in a timely manner. This may include periodic updates to the board in a timely manner.

      2. The NC normally requests some follow-up documentation of the funding including, but not limited to, a thank you letter from the payee and display of the NCs logo on any item where logos are normally included. Organizations who fail to comply with follow-up requests for documentation may be have any subsequent funding requests denied.


  • Any requests for transfer of spend authority will be reported to the General Board at the earlier possible time and may require board approval.

  • Emergency expenditures (such as disaster relief) can be authorized by the General Board before it is reviewed by a committee. However, B&F must review any expenditure.

  • To prevent confusion, groups should avoid mixing personal and NC expenses on any documentation.

Where your money is being spent

For recent spending reports for all the neighborhood councils visit the Neighborhood Council Funding System Dashboard by clicking here:  Neighborhood Council Funding System Dashboard

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